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Plugin Localization

Language ID

The language ID is a string in the format languagecode-countrycode, where languagecode is a lowercase 2-letter language code derived from ISO 639-1 and countrycode is derived from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and usually consists of two uppercase letters.

Examples: en-US, en-GB and fi-FI.

More information: System.Globalization.CultureInfo.Name Property

Current language

By default, Loupedeck's current language is the same as your OS language, if supported. Otherwise it is English.

You can overwrite the current language with the Language property of the LoupedeckSettings.ini file. For example:


String IDs

All the current strings (in the English language) are used as string IDs and cannot be changed.

As a result, if you want to change the English language strings, you need to add an English-to-English translation.

Plugin localization

Plugin language

The plugin language is defined by the language of the client application.

If it is not possible to get the language of the client application, the plugin language is the same as the Loupedeck language.

The plugin must set the current language as early as possible (for example, after establishing a connection with an application via the application API) using Plugin.Localization.SetCurrentLanguage() method:

var applicationLanguageId = this._applicationApi.GetLanguage();

if (!this.Localization.SetCurrentLanguage(applicationLanguageId))

Please note that Loupedeck does not provide in-house translation services if you decide to translate your plugin. We employ third-party translators and are unable to offer their support directly to outside developers to translate content that is not already translated in the Loupedeck software release you are using to build your project.